Get the best from the whole t plus range with our first four ground breaking vitamin enriched teas. Each tea is designed to give you a targeted benefit when you need it most, so the full house bundle will make sure you're well equipped. The full house bundle contains one full box of:
t + boost - An energising blend of green tea, yerba mate, ginseng and energy releasing B vitamins. All naturally flavoured with raspberry & pomegranate. Designed to give you a clean, natural, sustained energy release.
t + immunity - A fortifying blend of green tea, echinacea, ginseng and 50% of your daily vitamin C needs ( Adult NRI ) to help boost your immune system. All in a natural orange & blueberry flavoured tea.
t + detox - A cleansing blend of green tea, milk thistle, dandelion root, ginger root with added C and B vitamins to help get your body back to being a temple again. Fruity apple & blackcurrant natural flavourings.
t + multi vitamin - A powerful little blend of green tea, rosemary, cardamom, spearmint, apple and 9 daily essential vitamins to help keep you in tip top shape. All in a delicious natural lemon & peach flavoured tea.
Each box contains 15 individual foil wrapped tea bags.